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Beauty revealer, Image consultant


Be really yourself, the others are already taken!

Inspired from a quote of Oscar WIlde


As deeply oriented towards others, I like to help and accompany people out of pure altruism and kindness which I could consider being my two main qualities.


It made sense for me to study in the field of social work.  I obtained my Bachelor degree at HES-SO and I worked for ten years with people suffering of a physical or mental handicap.


I am the mother of two daughters aged 12 and 15.


Since 2015, I have followed training to become, counselor in beauty image and I have founded my company specializing in revealing natural beauty in my clients. The name of my company is “Vraiment moi”

Today I am delighted to combine my skills in counseling for beauty image and accompaniment.  It is a real pleasure to transmit simple and useful tools easy to apply in daily life to people who experience certain situations in their lives.

I help women of all ages to take the daring step of revealing their beauty and personality with my neutral and kind gaze on them.


I love to organize events to highlight talented and entrepreneurial women like me.

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